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What is EcoTech Platform?

What is EcoTech Platform?

The EcoTech platform currently comprises 5 technical platforms and a transverse axis:

  •     Bio2E tray (formerly TRAITPOL): Treatment of pollution of wastewater, waste (carrier: INRA LBE)
  •     BIOFUEL tray: Energy valorization of biomasses (carrier: Cirad-BiowooEB)
  •     MESURPOL tray: Pollution measurement (carrier: EMA-LGEI)
  •     PReSTI tray: Irrigation and hydraulics sciences and techniques (bearing: Irstea-GEAU)
  •     REDUCPOL tray: Reduction of agricultural pollution by pesticides (carrier: Irstea-ITAP)
  •     ELSA axis: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Eco-evaluation, eco-design, industrial ecology (carrier: Irstea, Montpellier SupAgro, EMA-LGEI, INRA-LBE, CIRAD)

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 24 July 2018 | By: redacteur de la rubrique